The Pulse

Functional Electrical Stimulation (FES) Using Medium Frequency Alternating Current (MFAC) Hand Control

Posted by ACP on Jun 12, 2019 8:38:38 PM

ACP’s MFAC Hand Control protocol provides for electrical stimulation-assisted muscle contraction to assist with the development of functional movement of superficial and deep muscles. To maximize the therapeutic effect of the intervention, the electrical stimulation delivered by the MFAC Hand Control protocol should be set to elicit a grade 3-5 muscle contraction and should be administered along with a strong volitional contraction by the patient.


Triceps protocoltriceps protocol
• Goal: to increase upper extremity strength for improved transfer independence
• Instruct the patient to push-up from a seated position
• Upon initiation of movement, press and hold the hand control button to assist with the voluntary contraction for the duration of the movement



Quadriceps protocolquad protocol
• Goal: to increase lower extremity strength for improved transfer independence
• Instruct the patient to stand up from a seated position
• Upon initiation of movement, press and hold the hand control button to assist with the voluntary contraction for the duration of the movement



Anterior Tibialis protocolanterior protocol
• Goal: to increase lower extremity strength for improved ankle strategy balance reaction
• While standing (with support from appropriate assistive device, as needed), instruct the patient to shift
weight into their heels
• Upon initiation of movement, press and hold the hand control button to facilitate rapid ankle dorsiflexion
(the ankle righting reaction strategy).


hand capture


table capture

*Refer to the OmniStim® FX² and OmniVersa® user manuals for additional set-up information and other channel timing options.

Topics: Fall Prevention & Balance, Clinical Tip