The Pulse

SLP Clinical Connection

Posted by ACP - Accelerated Care Plus on Jul 12, 2022 3:46:41 PM

Celebrate Success!

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Improving Speech and Ability to Eat Using Breathing Therapy Biofeedback


This 80-year-old woman experienced severe debility following hospitalization for COVID-19 with pneumonia. She was referred to Thrive of Lake County in Mundelein, IL, for rehabilitation services including speech therapy to address poor voice quality and difficulty breathing while eating. She also required 3 liters per minute of supplemental oxygen. Prior to hospitalization, she had no limitations in speaking or eating.

Speech Therapy: (5x/week x 4 weeks)Capture blog 1-1

OmniFlow™ Breathing Therapy Biofeedback System
• Controlled inspiration – Diamond Mine
• Forced expiration – Prehistoric Contest
• Respiratory muscle training –
Starry Road

Additional Interventions
• Huff Technique
• Inspiratory Muscle Strength Training

Capture blog 2-1

“ My cough is getting so much better. I’m really moving stuff. It’s a miracle! Thank God for breathing therapy! When I first got here I couldn’t walk. I couldn’t do anything. Now I’ll be walking out of here so I can be home with my dog and family, thanks to the wonderful staff and therapists!” - PATIENT

“ I used OmniFlow to improve lung function as a precursor to resistance training, and found it beneficial to continue use throughout duration of treatment. She no longer requires supplemental oxygen for all activities, including mealtime. She was motivated by the virtual reality and cheered every time she “got the mammoth.” - SPEECH LANGUAGE PATHOLOGIST


Topics: Dysphagia, Speech Rehab, SLP Clinical Connection