The Pulse

Improving Self-Care and Functional Mobility

Posted by ACP - Accelerated Care Plus on Nov 21, 2022 9:30:00 AM

This 71-year-old gentleman was admitted to a skilled nursing facility following hospitalization due to COVID-19 with pneumonia, chronic respiratory failure, and exacerbation of asthma. He was weak and required 5 liters per minute of supplemental oxygen. Prior to hospitalization, he lived at home, was independent with all self-care and mobility, and did not use supplemental oxygen.

Occupational and Physical Therapy: (5x/week x 8 weeks)

OmniFlow™ Breathing Therapy Biofeedback SystemCapture PSS 00014

  • Controlled inspiration – Diamond Mine
  • Forced expiration – Prehistoric Contest
  • Rhythmical breathing – Starry Road

OmniCycle® Elite Motorized Therapeutic Exercise System

  • Upper and lower extremity for improved cardiopulmonary endurance

Additional Interventions

  • Therapeutic exercise, therapeutic activities, gait training, neuro re-education, self-care, and energy conservation techniques

This gentleman is pleased with the progress he made in therapy. He still uses supplemental oxygen due to his chronic conditions. Currently, supplemental oxygen needs range from room air to 2 liters per minute. Using OmniFlow™ and breathing strategies allowed him to tolerate longer therapy sessions and make the progress needed to return home with his family!

Topics: Patient Success Story, Cardiopulmonary