The Pulse

Decreasing Pain and Improving Strength Using Ultrasound, Electrical Stimulation, and Exercise

Posted by ACP - Accelerated Care Plus on Sep 16, 2021 5:20:54 PM

MCS742 graphic SM

Patient Information: Female, Age 80

Diagnosis: Subluxed Humerus / Pain

This woman, a long-term care resident of a skilled nursing facility, was referred for rehabilitation services to address pain, decreased strength, and impaired motion of the left shoulder after experiencing a fall which caused her left shoulder to become partially dislocated (subluxed). Prior to her fall, she was able to dress independently.

Pre-Therapy Status:
•Left Shoulder Pain: Severe (7/10) affecting upper body dressing and engagement in social activities including meals.
•Left Shoulder Strength: Poor (2/5).
•Upper Body Dressing: Moderate (50%) assistance.

Therapy Information:
•Biophysical Agent/Advanced Technology: OmniVersa® Ultrasound/Electrotherapy System.
•Frequency: 5x per week.
•Protocol: Patterned electrical neuromuscular stimulation (PENS) subluxation protocol and subthermal ultrasound to the left shoulder to decrease pain and improve shoulder strength.
•Duration: Four weeks.
•Other Therapy Services Provided: Therapeutic exercise and therapeutic activities.

•Left Shoulder Pain: Absent (0/10).
•Left Shoulder Strength: Good (4/5).
•Upper Body Dressing: Independent.

This woman and her family are thrilled with her accomplishments in therapy! Since her shoulder pain has resolved, she dresses independently and enjoys going out to dinner with her family.

Topics: Pain Management, Patient Success Story