Patient Information: Female, Age 98
Diagnosis: Falls / Shoulder Pain
History: This woman, a long-term care resident of a skilled nursing facility, fell and began to experience shoulder pain limiting her mobility and independence. Prior to her fall, she was independent with wheelchair mobility in her room, but required assistance throughout the facility.
Pre-Therapy Status:
•Left Shoulder Pain: Moderate (6/10) with activity.
•Wheelchair Mobility: Dependent (100% assistance); unable to self-propel wheelchair.
Therapy Information:
•Modality: OmniSWD® Shortwave Diathermy System.
•Frequency: 5x per week.
•Protocol Specifics: Sub-thermal diathermy to left shoulder to increase circulation and decrease pain.
•Duration: Three weeks.
•Other Therapy Services Provided: Therapeutic exercise and wheelchair management.
•Left Shoulder Pain: Absent (0/10).
•Wheelchair Mobility: Independent; able to self-propel wheelchair throughout the facility.
This woman’s daughter commented on how extremely pleased she was to see her mother through the window (currently no visitation is allowed in the facility) getting around independently in her room again. This woman and her family are ecstatic with her achievements in therapy! Her shoulder is now pain-free and she is able to not only independently self-propel the wheelchair in her room, but also throughout the facility. She is enjoying her new level of independence and attending social activities.