The Pulse

Decreasing Pain and Improving Functional Mobility Using Electrical Stimulation, Ultrasound, and Exercise

Posted by ACP - Accelerated Care Plus on Aug 27, 2020 12:46:57 AM

Patient Information: Female, Age 77

Diagnosis: Left Knee Pain

History: This woman, a long-term care resident of a skilled nursing facility, was referred to therapy due to knee pain and a decline in functional activity and ambulation. Prior to this recent decline, she was independent with ambulation throughout the facility.

Pre-Therapy Status:

  • Left Knee Pain: Severe (8/10).
  • Transfers: Minimal (25%) assistance using a walker.
  • Ambulation: 75 feet with a walker and guiding contact of the therapist for steadying assistance.
Therapy Information:
  • Modality: OmniVersa® Ultrasound/Electrotherapy System.
  • Frequency: 5x per week.
  • Protocol Specifics: Interferential current electrical stimulation to the left knee for three weeks to decrease pain. Moderate relief was achieved, but pain persisted. Plan of care modified to replace electrical stimulation with thermal ultrasound to the left medial knee for continued knee pain reduction.
  • Duration: Six weeks.
  • Other Therapy Services Provided: Gait training, transfer training, neuromuscular re-education, and therapeutic exercise.


  • Left Knee Pain: Absent (0/10).
  • Transfers: Independent.
  • Ambulation: 350 feet.

This woman is thrilled with her therapy accomplishments! She is now pain-free and walks throughout the facility. She also attends outdoor activities.

Topics: Pain Management, Patient Success Story