Focused Clinical Application
Synchrony: Skill-Based Typical Swallow Interventions
- Resting Baseline
- Swallow Command Initiation
- Typical Swallow
- Swallow Duration
Bow and Arrow / Work-Rest Cycle
- Used for targeting swallow initiation
- Under "Edit Parameters", select a time less than patient's baseline delay
Note: Swallow repetition is considered accurate when completed within set time.
Trace Display
- Helps reduce excessive activity during typical swallows
- Assists in reducing swallow duration time
Note: Goal is to decrease amount of activity pre and post swallow.
Work-Rest Cycle
- Used to reduce motor activity during swallow
- Under "Edit Parameters", modify work time based on patient's baseline swallow duration
- Used to target volitional control and timing used during swallow duration
- Under "Edit Parameters", high/low target amplitude can be set for patients needs
Note: Within parameter settings select box next to high target to make amplitude visible.