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Infection Control Procedures

Written by ACP | Mar 18, 2020 6:13:37 PM

Infection control and patient safety are top priorities in healthcare. This document reviews low-level and intermediate-level infection control procedures for use with ACP technology to ensure the safety of healthcare providers and patients.

Universal precautions regarding the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) including gloves, masks, and gowns should be used when there is risk of exposure related to bodily fluids and person to person cross-contamination. (CDC, 2020)

Infection Control Protective Barriers – Intermediate Level of Protection


Infection Control Disinfection Procedures – with Germicidal Hard Surface Disinfectant Wipes

  • Low-Level Disinfection:
    - Used daily to clean equipment by wiping with germicidal disposable wipe and letting air dry
    - Kills most bacteria and some virus/fungi
    - Cleans and removes organic material
    - Clean ultrasound transducer after each use
  • Intermediate-Level Disinfection:
    - Used following wound care and UI procedure or when equipment is contaminated by physiologic fluids
    - Inactivates most bacteria and viruses
    Super Sani-Cloth® Germicidal Disposable Wipe and Sani-Cloth® Bleach          Germicidal Disposable Wipe qualify for emerging viral pathogen claims per EPA’s Guidance to Registrants. Therefore, these products can be used against the 2019 Novel Coronavirus when used in accordance with the directions for use against human coronavirus on hard, nonporous surfaces. Refer to the EPA and CDC websites for more details. (PDI Healthcare, 2020)
    - Wipe with a germicidal disposable wipe, then with a second cloth, wipe again leaving the surface wet for at least 5 minutes, allow to air dry

Note: Do not use alcohol swabs or unapproved sprays as these may damage the equipment faceplates and may be ineffective for disinfection

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). (n.d.). Protecting Healthcare Personnel. Retrieved March 16, 2020,
PDI Healthcare. (n.d.) Frequently Asked Questions. PDI. Retrieved March 16, 2020,