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Improving Strength and Functional Mobility After a Stroke Using Electrical Stimulation and Exercise

Written by ACP | May 21, 2019 12:21:30 AM

Patient Information: Male, Age 71

Diagnosis: Stroke / Left Hemiparesis

History: This gentleman suffered a stroke causing hemiparesis (muscle weakness) to his left leg and arm. After spending a week and a half in the ICU and an additional three weeks in inpatient rehabilitation, he received six weeks of outpatient therapy. Prior to his stroke, this gentleman was independent with all mobility and worked full-time running a heavy equipment corporation.

Pre-Therapy Status:
•Left Arm Strength: Trace (1/5) throughout.
•Left Leg Strength: Poor (2/5) throughout.
•Transfers: Maximal (>75%) assistance.
•Self-care: Dependent (100% assistance) to dress his upper and lower body; moderate (50%) assistance to comb hair, brush teeth, and wash face.
•Ambulation: Unable to walk.

Therapy Information:
•Modality: OmniVersa® Multi-Modality Therapy System.
•Frequency: 3x per week.
•Protocol Specifics: Upper extremity triphasic PENS to left shoulder and wrist and lower extremity triphasic PENS to the left ankle was initiated on day four in the ICU to improve muscle recruitment, strength, and coordination. PENS treatment was continued for inpatient hospitalization. Treatment progressed to receiving only upper extremity triphasic PENS to the
left wrist during outpatient therapy.
•Duration: 8 weeks in total.
•Other Therapy Services Provided: Therapeutic exercise, neuro re-education, self care retraining, and therapeutic activity.

•Left Arm Strength: Fair plus (3+/5) throughout the shoulder; fair (3/5) throughout the wrist and hand.
•Left Leg Strength: Good (4/5) throughout the hip and knee; fair plus (3+/5) throughout the ankle.
•Transfers: Independent.
•Self-care: Independent for dressing, combing hair, brushing teeth and washing face.
•Ambulation: Independent.

This gentleman and his family are thrilled with his overall recovery and how quickly he progressed! He is living at home independently and credits patterned neuromuscular electrical stimulation (PENS) with assisting in his speedy recovery!