Opioids are commonly prescribed for acute and chronic pain, including after surgeries such as THR, TKR, and ORIF. Opioids have numerous side effects and a high potential for misuse. Over-reliance on opioids for acute and chronic pain management has led to alarming trends across the United States, including a record number of people developing opioid use disorders, overdosing on opioids, and dying from overdoses. From 2015 to 2017, the annual number of opioid-related deaths rose 44% from 33,000 to 47,600.¹
Many Medicare and Medicaid beneficiaries and their families have experienced opioid use disorder, commonly referred to as addiction. Given the growing body of evidence on the risks of opioid misuse, CMS outlined their strategy with four priority areas. The fourth priority is directly related to physical and occupational therapy services: Increase the use of evidence-based practices for acute and chronic pain management.²
Biophysical Agents offer evidence-based treatment alternatives to decrease acute and chronic pain and can be used to replace or wean an individual from narcotics.
ACP’s Evidence-based Pain Management clinical treatment pathway assists the clinician in determining which biophysical agent and the most optimal parameters based on pain presentation.6
Taking opioid analgesics can impact the effectiveness of biophysical agent treatments. Key factors to consider when an individual is taking opioid analgesics:
1. CDC.gov
2. CMS.gov. Centers For Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Opioid Misuse Strategy 2016, January 2017
3. Li J, Song Y. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for postoperative pain control after total knee arthroplasty: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Medicine 96:37, 2017
4. Jauregui JJ, Cherian JJ, Gwam CU, Chughtai M, Mistry JB, Elmallah RK, Harwin SF, Bhave A, Mont MA. A Meta-Analysis of Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation for Chronic Low Back Pain. Surch Technol Int. 28:296-302, 2016
5. Vance CG, Daily DL, Rakel BA, Sluka Ka. Using TENS for pain control: the state of the evidence. Pain Manag. 4(3):197-209, 2014
6. ACP’s General Pain Management Treatment Pathway Acute vs. Chronic Pain, MRK 0455